Are Putting Greens Hard to Maintain? A Comprehensive Guide

putting green maintenance mind map real vs artificial greens


So you’re thinking about installing a putting green in your backyard or perhaps you’re a golf course manager wondering about the upkeep? The question on your mind is, “Are putting greens hard to maintain?” Well, you’re in luck! We’ve got the lowdown on everything you need to know about putting green maintenance.

​Quick Takeaways

  • Real putting greens require daily attention.
  • Artificial putting greens are low-maintenance but not no-maintenance.
  • General maintenance practices apply to all types of putting greens.

Real Putting Greens: A Labor of Love

Daily Maintenance

Real putting greens are not for the faint of heart. They require daily mowing, changing of mowing patterns, and precise adjustment of mowers. Yes, you read that right—daily!

Regular Tasks

Beyond the daily grind, you’ll also need to engage in regular brushing and rolling to maintain that softness and speed that golfers love. And let’s not forget about coring the greens 2 to 3 times each year and spiking as often as needed.


Cleaning is another aspect you can’t ignore. A diluted bleach cleaner or soapy water will do the trick.

Real Putting Greens Maintenance Table
Changing Mowing Patterns
Brushing and Rolling
2-3 times/year
As needed

Artificial Putting Greens: The Easy Life?

Minimal Maintenance

Artificial putting greens are the low-maintenance cousins of real greens. They require no water, no fertilizer, and very little upkeep.

Specific Care

However, don’t be fooled. You still need to keep pets off the surface, maintain the speed of the green, and brush the fringe with a push broom.

Periodic Tasks

Periodic inspections and rejuvenation are also recommended to keep your artificial green looking fresh and performing well.


​​A simple vacuum or hose down is usually sufficient for cleaning artificial greens.

Artificial Putting Greens Maintenance Table
Brushing the Fringe
As needed
Keeping Pets Off​

Sand Filled Putting Greens: A Middle Ground

Similar to Artificial

Sand filled putting greens are similar to artificial greens but require a bit more attention. Keeping the surface free of litter, mud, and debris is essential.

Periodic Tasks

​Regular inspections and repairs are necessary, and topdressing should be done every three weeks during active growing seasons.

General Maintenance: One Size Fits All

Good green-keeping practices should be applied throughout the year, regardless of the type of putting green. This includes switching at an appropriate time, maintaining an upright grass, and removing decaying surface vegetation.

Green Maintenance Checklist: Your Best Friend

A Green Maintenance Checklist can be a lifesaver. It helps you systematically inspect and perform routine maintenance tasks, ensuring that your greens are in tip-top shape.

Conclusion: So, Are Putting Greens Hard to Maintain?

The answer depends on what you’re willing to put into it. Real putting greens require a significant amount of time and effort, while artificial greens offer a more hands-off approach. Either way, some level of maintenance is required to keep your putting green looking and performing its best.

So, are putting greens hard to maintain? They can be, but with the right information and tools, you’ll be well-equipped to keep your green in pristine condition.

​Ready to take the plunge? Wilmington Artificial Turf Pros are here to help you make the best choice for your putting green needs. Contact us today! 🌱⛳